
To the attention of bachelors who choose Baku Eurasian University!

To the attention of bachelors who choose Baku Eurasian University!
  • 05 Jul 2024

To the attention of those admitted to the master's degree!


Bachelors admitted to the master's level of Baku Eurasia University must register electronically. For this, it is necessary to register on the platform, after entering the created cabinet, select the "Student registration for higher and secondary education institutions" service among the services offered. Registration will be held from July 9 to July 18, 2024.

Undergraduates who do not register will be dropped from the admissions list.

List of documents for registration


Undergraduates registering on the platform must submit the following documents to the University during the registration period:


1. Document on higher education and the original of the supplement to it (for graduates of the current year, a certificate from the higher education institution they graduated from)

2. Copy of the identity card

3. 4 photos of 3×4 size

4. Copy of military ID, copy of initial military registration certificate for those without military ID (boys)

5. The result of the competition for admission to the master's degree (available from the website of the State Examination Center)

6. Copy of tuition fee payment receipt (tuition fee should be paid to the bank account of the University indicated below)

Note: A copy of the higher education document (diploma) and its addendum, a certificate from the higher education institution for graduates of the current year, a copy of the military ticket, the initial military registration card for those without a military ticket (for boys), and a receipt for the payment of tuition fees https: It should be uploaded to the appropriate boxes during electronic registration on the // platform.


University bank account number

Baku Eurasian University

Address: Akademik H. Aliyev 135 A

TIN: 1500008331

Jafar Jabbarli branch of Kapital Bank OJSC

Bank's TIN: 9900003611

Code: 200048

H/H :AZ22AIIB38030019441100326104

M/H: AZ37NABZ01350100000000001944


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