Student Scientific Society

1.1. The main goal of the Society is to implement scientific-organizational measures aimed at improving the quality of training of higher-educated specialists, to preserve scientific-technical potential, and to assist the work of higher education institutions in adapting the scientific research activities of students to new socioeconomic conditions.

1.2. The tasks are as follows:

1.2.1. involving students in scientific research activity and organizing this activity;

1.2.2. promoting various forms of scientific creativity among students based on the principle of the unity of science, education and experience, helping to increase the interest of young people in those forms and conducting fundamental research;

1.2.3. creation of motivation for research activity and learning of scientific methods in students, assistance in deep and creative assimilation of teaching materials;

1.2.4. formation of students' creative attitude to the chosen profession with the help of research activities;

1.2.5. teaching students methods and means of independent solutions to scientific-technical and economic issues;

1.2.6. purposeful involvement of talented young people in scientific research and scientific-organizational work, assimilation of high technologies;

1.2.7. selection of promising young people for the scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel training system and their preparation for research activities;

1.2.8. implementation of cooperation with the Societies of other higher education institutions, application of progressive modern forms and methods of organizing student scientific research work to students' scientific research work (hereinafter - TETI);

1.2.9. various level events - scientific seminars and conferences, student scientific works, as well as course, graduation, dissertation review competitions, Olympiads in various specialties and disciplines, discussion clubs, symposia, listening to seminars and lectures of well-known scientists, etc. ensuring the participation of students in the organization and holding of events;

1.2. 10. preparation of scientific research works of students for publication;

1.2.11. helping to involve students in innovation activities for the purpose of formation of innovative business and entrepreneurial habits;

2.2.12. students' scientific centers, technological parks, idea incubators, etc. involvement in work (including paid) carried out in enterprises;

 2.2.13. organizing the collection, distribution and placement of information on academic events within and outside the higher education institution on the website of the higher education institution.

Chairman of the Society: Zahra Shaban gizi Rasulzadeh (senior laboratory assistant)