
BAAU management gets acquainted with experience of Spain

BAAU management gets acquainted with experience of Spain
  • 11 Jul 2023

Within the framework of the ECAR Erasmus+ project, a delegation of heads of universities operating in our country is on a visit to Madrid, Spain. The main purpose of the visit, which lasts from July 10 to 14, is to study the experience of the Spanish Rectors' Conference on student and graduate affairs and the experience of Spanish higher education institutions, as well as partners from France, Poland and Lithuania.

Baku Eurasian University is represented by vice-rector for educational affairs, associate professor Nigar Huseynova and head of the "Translation" department, associate professor Sevda Rzayeva.

The first training-seminar was held at Charles III University within the framework of the already started activities. Speaking at the event, Maria Teresa, Secretary General of the Spanish Rectors' Conference, greeted the Azerbaijani delegation and noted that they were happy to see them in Spain.

Later, Nijat Mammadli, adviser to the Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, greeted his Spanish colleagues on behalf of the delegation and expressed his satisfaction with the close cooperation. N. Mammadli spoke about the special importance of the ECAR project and other international projects in terms of their contributions to the development of higher education institutions.

The coordinator of the project, Rector of Baku Business University, professor Ibad Abbasov, expressed his gratitude to the Spanish Rectors' Conference as one of the important partners of the project and expressed his confidence that the cooperation will be successfully continued. The Rector spoke about the important tasks facing education and emphasized the importance of internationalization and integration for this purpose.

After the speeches, the General Secretary of the Spanish Rectors' Conference, Maria Teresa, made a presentation about the creation of the Rectors' Conference, the place and role of the Conference in the Spanish higher education system, its structure, activities, relevant committees and answered questions.

Professor Angela Alcala, executive secretary of the Spanish Rectors' Conference commission on work with students, spoke about the importance of a new strategic vision for work with students in Spanish universities, including intersectoral relations and coordination.

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