
Two international conferences were held in Lerik under the organization of BAAU

Two international conferences were held in Lerik under the organization of BAAU
  • 19 Aug 2024

The VI "Turkish World History, Culture and Literature" International Conference dedicated to Bakhtiyar Vahabzade and the II International Scientific Research Conference "Strengthening International Cooperation for Sustainable Development in Azerbaijan" were jointly organized by Baku Eurasian University (BAAU) and the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of Turkey. At the opening ceremony of the event organized in Lerik on August 16-17, the chairman of the organizing committee of the conference, vice-rector for scientific affairs of Baku Eurasian University, prof. Gulzar Ibrahimova, Arzu Velimammadova, Deputy Head of Lerik District Executive Power for Humanitarian Affairs, Lankaran-Astara the chief adviser of the Regional Culture Department, Sangh Danziyev, and the Azerbaijani representative of the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research, f.u.f.d. Elvan Jafarov spoke. The purpose and importance of the conference were discussed in the speeches.

About 70 participants of the conference listened to their reports in the panel sessions, and live discussions were held with a large number of participants.

During the breaks within the conference, the participants got acquainted with the nature of Lerik region, historical places, architectural monuments and the Lerik historical museum.

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